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A 'tender' status to group tender quotes

UK prepare QuoteStream quotes to answer tenders.
They initiate them, they get them approved by management, but they don't send with QuoteStream, as QuoteStream does not create tender ducuments.

That is a good use of QuoteStream to check profitability of tender quotes.

But tenders can wait months before the quote is finally accepted. Up to 12 months sometimes.
Because of that long cycle of decision, and because a tender quote is never 'sent to customer' in QuoteStream (but stays for months in the queue 'Approved by management'), the PDF quote generated N month after the quote creation - when the quote was finally accepted - will change.
- because list prices have been updated in SAP
- because the config will have changed
- because all the changed made since the original quote was prepared.

This creates a big problem for the UK: a difference between 'creation date' and 'today print'.

One way to avoid this problem would be:
- add one 'flag' = "Tender quote" during the quote creation process,
- could be a tick box, for instance,
- quotes with this flag would appear in a new portlet on the dasboard,
- quote with this flag should NOT be refreshed any more afetr they have been 'approved by management', to keep the PDF identical to the one approved even if printed 12 months later.

Key question: When do we freeze the PDF? Is it in relation with one status? If so, can we apply this status when a 'tender'-quote is accepted by management?...
--> Please investigate.

Can we specify this one as an important evolution?
This will serve also all countries who want to prepare tender quotes like the UK?

In attachement, see 2 quotes describing the above explained problem in the UK

Winfried , 12.01.2017, 14:20
Response from the site administrator
windeggw, 21.02.2017
OK to start specification. This improvement will allow to separate :
- tenders, calculated and profit-checked in QS but not sent to customer by QuoteStream...
- from ordinary quotes, approved by management but not yet sent to customer
Idea status: in process


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