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Hide 3rd-party pricing

UK says: "Access to third party pricing - if there is pricing set against an account in SAP and the sales person searches on product or code, they will have access to the pricing. This represents a serious breach of our confidentiality agreement with third parties and other applicable laws where we have failed to protect or have acted unlawfully with this information."

June 8, 2016: Winfried interviews Leih Atkinson:
1. When customer X has bought 3rd-party products once, those products get an item code in SAP + customer prices are entered in SAP
2. The problem: if one sales rep searches in QuoteStream for the price that customer X paid for those 3rd-party products, he will find it (in QuoteStream). That is was is forbidden by contract with the 3rd-party supplier to disclose those prices.
3. UK wants a way to make sure no one can see those 3rd-party prices in QuoteStream.

Two options to investigate:
- Option 1: Create and use an XLS file containing 3rd party items that must not be shown in QuoteStream + upload a lookup table in QuoteStream
- Option 2: use different SAP item codes / classification to have a key that QuoteStream can use to filter and hide items not to display
- then either the QS/SAP interface will filter
- or QuoteStream will filter/delete them
Option 3: use an info contained in MASTER DATA (if any) that can help.
See : http://doclink/livelink/llisapi.dll/open/33669551
= MASTER DATA full extract

1. WW to discuss with MASTERDATA if option 2 is possible
2. Else, study option 1

Winfried , 12.01.2017, 14:12
Idea status: under consideration


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